Lifestyle & Life Moments
Why You Should Avoid Eating in Bed (With 1 Exception) After a long day, climbing into bed is such a comfort. You’ve probably heard the advice to use your bed only for sleep and sex, but in recent years, all the lines about what our homes and bedrooms are for have blurred. So it’s understandable if your bed has overtaken your couch as your entertainment center and has even replaced your dinner table as a place to chill with a snack or your takeout. -
Bed Basics
4 Easy Ways to Clean Your Mattress Although we sleep on our mattress every single night, we often forget that underneath all of those covers, your mattress needs a little TLC every now and again. It's easy to understand the need to avoid dirty sheets, but have you ever thought about how to avoid a dirty mattress or the best way to clean a mattress?