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Bed Basics
Bed Basics

Air Mattresses, Exposed!


Air mattresses may seem convenient being easy to set up and stow away; however, are they really worth the convenience?

If you're living in a smaller home and plan to host guests for the weekend, you may think putting them on the couch or blowing up an air mattress are your only options. But, if you have the available square footage, you might want to consider purchasing a guest bed with a Mattress Firm mattress for your home to create a more welcoming and comfortable space.

Air mattresses are great for convenience purposes while traveling, camping, moving or during a child's sleepover. However, when it comes to hosting guests, a real mattress will prove to be worth the money when your guests wake up happy and pain-free.

Keeping Comfort in Mind

When your older guests come to stay with you, an air mattress will do more harm than good. They can deflate overnight, causing them to lose the support and comfort that they once held when first pumped up. This can leave guests irritable and stiff in the morning.

Typically, air mattresses are difficult to climb on and off as they the lack support of a traditional bed. This can present challenges when friends wake up during the night to grab a glass of water or visit the restroom making it difficult to get back onto the bed.

Consider Size for Multiple Guests

The size of the air mattress can also affect how comfortable guests are while sleeping on it.

For example, if you have a full size air mattress, it might not be comfortable for couples as they won't have much space to move around. Not to mention that as the mattress deflates, guests will find themselves on the side edges of the bed, fighting for space, and sinking down toward the ground as the air mattress loses its support.

Noisy Blowing Sounds

Another issue with air mattresses is the loud noise that accompanies set up.

If you have children in the house or want to make sure you're not disturbing other sleepers in your home, the blower used to inflate the mattress can cause issues, as they tend to be extremely loud.

Steps for Air Mattress Break-Down

As you host guests in your home for only a night or a full weekend, finally consider the work it takes to put the air mattress away. You'll need release the air, tightly roll it up, and stow it away in a closet or attic. This will add more to your plate than simply tossing the bedding in the laundry from the guest bed.

When you're in search of resources for how to properly decorate and furnish your spare room, look no further than our  blog series on guest bedrooms. Let The Daily Doze blog help you find the perfect bed and accessories to ensure that your guests are sleeping properly — and on a real mattress! Once you decide what you need from your research one of our many Mattress Firm locations will have exactly what you are looking for.

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