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  • A man setting the table for a holiday dinner.
    Lifestyle & Life Moments
    How To Prep Ahead So You Can Sleep on Christmas EveThe holidays can be filled with joy, but planning the perfect season-long celebration can cause a ton of stress, especially if you’re hosting. On top of the already-manic holiday shopping, gift wrapping and other prep, as the host you tack on meal planning, groceries, cooking and cleaning up the house to make it guest-ready—all in addition to navigating often-fraught emotional dynamics that come with the time of year. All that stress can interfere with your sleep and leave you feeling run-down and exhausted, the farthest thing from merry and bright.
  • A group of christmas presents laid in a pattern on a colorful background
    Lifestyle & Life Moments
    2023 Holiday Gift Guide: Nighttime Gift Ideas Ah, it’s that time again. Parties, presents and quality time with our loved ones. The holidays are fun, but there’s so much going on that many of us miss out on the most important thing of all: sleep—and nobody’s at their best without it.
