Bed Basics
Why You Shouldn’t Keep Your Mattress on the Floor If you have recently purchased a new mattress, you may be wondering if you can have your mattress on the floor. Many people choose this option for comfort, safety, or aesthetic reasons. Whether you’re in the middle of a move, facing furniture delays, or looking for a way to keep your toddler from falling out of bed, you've probably considered keeping your mattress on the floor. -
Bed Basics
Matty Asks: Box Springs Got questions about buying a new bed? Our Sleep Experts® have heard ‘em all. And with their 200+ hours of sleep training, they are here to help with all the answers. Whether you’re curious about mattress types, toppers, pillow lofts, frame options, or anything else in your bedroom, we’ve got answers. And there’s no question too small or too silly.