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It's More than a Mattress


At Mattress Firm, we understand the impact that the right mattress can have on a good night's sleep. And, while many people think of their bed as just a place to catch some Zzz's, a bed can mean so much more to a child. A mattress can be a place to jump like a monkey, practice reading, build a fort, listen to bedtime stories or to simply unwind from the stress of being a kid.

Beyond providing you with the best mattress at the best price, our passion at  Mattress Firm lies with helping foster children get the rest and the sleep they deserve. Youth in foster care sometimes struggle with sleep because of the weight of the uncertainties and challenges they face each day, and many don't see their beds as a safe haven or a place to make the very best childhood memories.

According to the  National Sleep Foundation, a good night's sleep is crucial to child development, health and overall well-being, and there's a direct correlation between quality sleep and improved performance and mental health. To make sure every foster child has a place to lay their head at night and enjoy their childhood moments, Mattress Firm wants to do our part to help them find comfort and success in sleep through our  Mattress Firm Foster Kids program.

In honor of National Foster Care Month, Mattress Firm is launching the #MoreThanAMattress campaign to raise awareness about the important role a mattress plays, not only for sleeping, but in development and formation of childhood memories. On Wednesday, May 15, Mattress Firm will surprise deserving foster parents in Philadelphia, San Antonio and Seattle with new mattresses for their families, so they can continue to positively impact the lives of foster children.

You can follow along with the deliveries on our social channels by searching the hashtag #MoreThanAMattress, and be sure to check back here for photos and testimonials from the deliveries!

And, if you would like to get involved, check out to see all the ways you can help the foster children in your community.

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