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Sleep Tips

College Sleeping Habits

College sleep habits

As college students, we understand the struggles of getting to class, studying for exams, hanging with friends, working out and making time to do… well, everything else! In all the crazy that comes with a college schedule, it can be especially hard to find the hours in the day to catch a few quality Zzz's. But, the dangers of pulling an all-nighter in college, and in life, are real.

That's why we're here to tell you about the best and worst college sleeping habits.

Sleep Deprivation in College is Serious

Whether it's heading to a mixer or an intramural game, we've heard everyone brag about getting no sleep. But for some, the signs of sleep deprivation are more than just yawning. Symptoms of sleep deprivation can include forgetfulness, irritability, moodiness and inability to concentrate, and sleep deprivation has even been to linked to several health issues like heart disease, obesity and high blood pressure.

With the negative effects of sleep deprivation in mind, we're sharing a few pointers about snagging sleep as a student, so you can avoid looking and feeling your worst.

Here are a few tips for staying rested while staying on campus:

3 Tips for Getting Sleep in College

  1. Sleep Where and When You Can!

    With our jam-packed schedules, we understand how hard it can be to grab rest on the go. So, our tip? Learn to sleep from anywhere! Knowing your ideal sleep position, like side or back, can also help get you situated and off to slumber land when you're in a bind. Don't have time to book it back to your dorm room before class? Book it to the a building like the library instead. Libraries usually have warm, quiet areas prime for naps. (Just keep the snoring to a minimum!) And, if you're a light sleeper, stowaway a pair of headphones and play a soothing playlist to help you nod off.

  2. Put the Power in Power Napping

    Don't you miss getting scheduled naptime back in school? Well, let's bring it back! Dedicating time for naps during the day can combat the effects of sleep deprivation, help improve cognitive and creative thinking and reduce stress. The way to get the best nap? Focus on the length. A study from NASA determined the ideal nap length to be in the range of 10 to 26 minutes tops. Too short and you may wake up feeling worse than you did previously. Too long of a nap and you may wake up groggy and potentially throw off your circadian rhythm. All in all, be sure to rest wisely and carry a loud alarm.

  3. Get Your Sleep Space Right

    If you're having trouble getting to sleep in your own bed, it's probably time to examine your sleep environment. The right space will help you fight sleep deprivation and get your sleep habits (and life, if we're being honest) in check. Make your area conducive to sleep by bringing in items like blackout curtains or a diffuser with sleepy scents to create a sense of calm. Tune out distractions by grabbing a sleep mask and earplugs to keep the sounds out. And lastly, take a look at your sleep accessories. When it comes to getting a restful night of sleep, the right pillow, sheets and mattress can make all the difference.

So, now that you know all our best sleep tips, it's time to step up your sleep game. Swing by your local Mattress Firm for the sleep swag your bedroom needs. Pillows, sheets and just about any sleep accessory you can dream up are waiting for you in-store and online at Mattress Firm.

Sweet dreams from the Snoozeterns!

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